mardi 10 juin 2008
he stumbled as if by chance into a crowded hall. .
and was rather unhappy in his medical studies at the time.. was perhaps seeking something different that day. He got precisely that. The professor, Frithjof Bergmann, was lecturing on something that Solomon had not yet been acquainted with. The professor spoke of how Nietzsche's idea asks the fundamental question: "If given the opportunity to live your life over and over again ad infinitum, forced to go through all of the pain and the grief of existence, would you be overcome with despair? Or would you fall to your knees in gratitude?"
he was so moved by the idea .. he that very day submitted his withdrawal from
Not Passion's Slave: Emotions and Choice?
and was rather unhappy in his medical studies at the time.. was perhaps seeking something different that day. He got precisely that. The professor, Frithjof Bergmann, was lecturing on something that Solomon had not yet been acquainted with. The professor spoke of how Nietzsche's idea asks the fundamental question: "If given the opportunity to live your life over and over again ad infinitum, forced to go through all of the pain and the grief of existence, would you be overcome with despair? Or would you fall to your knees in gratitude?"
he was so moved by the idea .. he that very day submitted his withdrawal from
Not Passion's Slave: Emotions and Choice?
lundi 9 juin 2008
Im waiting
good dream. ihminen valmis epäonnistumaan. kani karkasi. ennen muuta excellence is considered to be a value by many organizations, in particular by schools
onneksi rakkauden voi selittää pois i love u u miten mies liittyy tunteisiini
onneksi rakkauden voi selittää pois i love u u miten mies liittyy tunteisiini
dimanche 8 juin 2008
Sydämenlyöntejä, jotka kuuluvat Sinulle
Seksi on kaikkein voimakkain emootioden hallitsemistapa. sita ei pitaisi vastustaa, vain vallan vaarinkayttoa. due to increasing size of her infants’ heads, the human female began to experience high childbirth death rates, precipitating a crisis for the species. Natural selection adapted her to this unique environmental stress by drastically reconfiguring her hormonal reproductive cycle. Her estrus disappeared and menses mysteriously entrained with the periodicity of the moon. Women formulated the concept of a month, which in turn allowed them to make the connection between sex and pregnancy. Upon learning the majestic secret of time these ancestral females then gained the power to refuse sex when they were ovulating. Men were forced to confront women who possessed a mind of their own. Unfortunately the Power has never been released in any format
Ballparks is now proud to announce our affiliation independent ticket agency offering Sex, Power & Immortality tickets, some of the best seats available, including front row, and many of our tickets are fairly cheap and a good bargain
besides, the state supreme court has just decided that the words "man" and "woman" each apply equally to people of both sexes, and are therefore completely interchangeable words
nainen katson sinua
I am glad they aren't hugging me. mina tunnen tuon ihmisen joka katsoo..jossain olen hanet nahnyt. vihreat silmat ja hyvin kaunis, suu..viehattavaa..hiukset. mina katson hanta, enigma ja kysyn jotain
han hataantyy. ei odottanut minun puhuvan mita lienee tahtoo..minusta tuntuu etta han tahtoo vain olla ja katsella minua. aika ovelat silmat muttei kai han halua mitaan pahaa ehka han puhuu ilman sanoja?
the book nor the movie is Based. but Did you think I was some shy ruminant, hoofing it quietly through the woods? Wrong
han hataantyy. ei odottanut minun puhuvan mita lienee tahtoo..minusta tuntuu etta han tahtoo vain olla ja katsella minua. aika ovelat silmat muttei kai han halua mitaan pahaa ehka han puhuu ilman sanoja?
samedi 7 juin 2008
tulenko koskaan löytämään toista ihmistä tästä maailmasta, joka olisi juuri minulle, ja joka olisi
järjettömyyden ja epälogiikan vastustaja, ja siten myös monikultturismin kriitikko. Yleisesti ottaen tosi paha, ilkeä ja epämiellyttävä jätkäHan är en ljus, klurig, tyst herre som ruvar på sin lärdom och talar sparsmakat. Tahdon vain hetkeksi ulos omasta päästäni, irti persoonallisuudestani. Kommunikoida ajattelematta 
vendredi 6 juin 2008
Jumalten maailmassa sensijaan vallitsi iloinen odotus yhä suuremmista siunauksista
good morning mina nain sinusta kaunista unta kun suljen t'm'n koneen blogini ehka katoaa. en tieda
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